PVC Insulated Heavy Duty Power + Control Cable as Per IS 1554(P-1)

- Heavy Duty Performance
- Offers the best combination safety, efficiency & economy
Applications : Heavy Duty Power and Control Cables are used for Underground power supply by utility provider for Street Lights, Industrial Automation with mechanical strength for protection on insulated cores and other industrial applications.
Specifications : IS 1554 (P-1)
Construction | IS Specifications |
Conductor : ETP Grade Copper | 8130 |
Insulation : PVC Type A or C | 5831 |
Inner Sheath : PVC Type ST1 or ST2 | 5831 |
Armour : Galvanised Steel Wire Strip | 3975 |
Outer Sheath : PVC Type ST1 or ST2 | 5831 |
Core Identification : For power cable and control cable upto 4 cores, the cores are identified by different colours as per IS 1554: (Part1)
Single Core : Red, Yellow, Blue, Black, etc. (only unarmoured).
2 Core : Red and Black.
3 core : Red, Yellow and Blue.
4 Core : Red, Yellow, Blue and Black.
5 Core : Red, Yellow, Blue, Black and Grey.


Cable Construction
- 1.1 kV, 1 cores AL / CU conductor, PVC insulated, unarmoured cables as per IS 1554 Part – 1.
- Conductor : AL up to 10 Sq. mm conductor are solid Cl.1 as per IS 8130. And above 10 Sq. mm conductor are stranded round or compact Cl.
- 2 as per IS 8130 In CU 4 & 6 Sq. mm conductor are solid Cl.1 or stranded Cl. 2 as per IS 8130. 10 Sq. mm & above stranded round or stranded compact Cl. 2 as per IS 8130
Insulation : PVC Type – A, as per IS 5831. (Option : HR PVC Type – C, as per IS 5831) - Core Color : Red or yellow or blue or black or natural
- Outer Sheath : PVC Type ST-1 as per IS 5831. (Option : PVC Type – ST 2 as per IS 5831 / FR Type / FRLS Type )
- Cable Color : Black (Options : Any other color as per requirement)
Cable Design Parameters
While ordering, in addition to the part number the following details shall also be advised:
Conductor Type (Aluminium or Copper) and class of conductor (Cl. 1 or 2).
Insulation Type – PVC Type A / C.
Sheath Type – PVC Type ST-1 / FR / FRLS; PVC Type ST-2 / FR / FRLS.